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Launch of inline full artificial intelligence 3D AOI

Programming made easy for any level
Launch of inline full artificial intelligence 3D AOI

Launch of inline full artificial intelligence 3D AOI
The ISO-Spector M1A is an artificial intelligence 3D AOI with a fast automatic programming method and short cycle times. Source: Marantz-Electronics

The ISO-Spector M1A is the new flagship full 3D AOI system from Mek (Marantz-Electronics). This system features the electronics industry’s highest hardware specifications and introduces a convenient fast automatic programming method while achieving production ready inspection results with very short cycle times. The machine will be on display at the SMT Hybrid Packaging show.

The ISO-Spector M1A has a massive field of view (FoV) of 69 x 69 mm (2.72” x 2.72”) and the largest 25 mega pixel camera with advanced lens optics. Multiple Moiré fringe projections enable high precision, shadow free measurement of heights up to 25 mm, as well as 4 fully programmable side view high-res cameras able to actively inspect J- leads and other devices invisible to top side imagers.

The programming of the 3D AOI system is exceptionally easy and programmer-independent. The artificial intelligence reduces the human element involved in the programming meaning that the inspection results are the same whether programmed by a beginner or by an expert. The AI learns the production process values of assembled and reflowed PCB’s and then recognizes defects based on hundreds of pre-set parameters. This is particularly significant in the inspection of solder joints, which are typically the most difficult and time consuming to program in AOI’s.

The large FoV combined with an industrial grade computer, ensure short cycle times even when fully utilized including foreign material detection across the complete printed circuit board area.

Offline programming is possible. The ISO-Spector integrates fully with Industry 4.0 specifications via the Fiber system for classification, repair, traceability and SPC.

SMT Hybrid Packaging, Booth 4–216


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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