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Video: Parallel Technology reduces inventory pileups

Decreasing human handling with inline testing
Video: Parallel Technology reduces inventory pileups

Video: Parallel Technology reduces inventory pileups
The Parallel Technology reduces human handling, drives higher throughput, and allows for faster feedback to the manufacturing line. Source: CheckSum

CheckSum, a provider of test systems, fixtures and programs, announced that their Parallel Technology offers many advantages by testing in line as opposed to in a test cell, avoiding costly potential issues down the line.

To help spread the word, the company has developed a short and informative video to highlight the differences between their test process and traditional test processes. The CheckSum Parallel Technology paired up with their powerful V12 and Dual and Quad Core ICT delivers many fold speed increases especially for small boards manufactured in panels. This process reduces or eliminates human handling, drives higher throughput, simplifies the overall process and allows for faster feedback to the manufacturing line.

The five-minute animated video can be viewed here.


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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