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Vacuum reflow oven at ACI Technologies’ showroom

Reducing voids in BGA and QFN
Vacuum reflow oven at ACI Technologies’ showroom

Vacuum reflow oven at ACI Technologies’ showroom
The Pyramax vacuum reflow oven is installed at the ACI Technologies’ demo center. Source: BTU International

BTU International, Inc., a supplier of advanced thermal processing equipment for the electronics manufacturing market, is pleased to announce that the Pyramax vacuum reflow oven has been installed at ACI Technologies’ showroom and demo center. This is the second machine at ACI, the first was a Pyramax convection reflow oven.

The company’s Fred Dimock and Rob DiMatteo are currently on-site in Philadelphia conducting demonstrations on the vacuum reflow oven, which offers a sharp reduction in voiding in both BGAs and QFN components.

“There’s quite a bit of process development work going on in the industry for vacuum reflow applications,” said Fred Dimock, Manager of Process Technology. “We’re pleased we can team with ACI to offer not only our vacuum reflow oven, but the necessary metrology to characterize the experiments.”


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